6 Penguin 60s Classics, For Sale, Killygordon, Donegal
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6 Penguin 60s Classics

Killygordon, Co. Donegal

6 Penguin 60s Classics

Killygordon, Co. Donegal

1) Dante- The First Three Circles of Hell
2) Niccolo Machiavelli - The Art of War
3) Honore de Balzac - The Atheist's Mass
4) Goethe - Letters from Italy
5) Tales of Cu Chulaind - Irish Heroic Myths
6) Friedrich Nietzsche - Zarathustra's Discourses
Paperbacks - sizes - 14cm x 10.5 cm - Condition - Excellent
Euro 21 - Cash or Postal Order-Reduced to sell -
Postage to be paid by buyer



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